How to achieve your goals

It’s the middle of March – just 2 more weeks until the end of Quarter 1, 2019. If you’re like me and do 90-day business plans, then you’ll be looking now at what you’ve achieved, what you haven’t – and reviewing your goals in order to plan forward for Quarter 2.

I’ve already written blogs about how to plan for your business and how to review those plans – you can read them here –

How to plan for your business if planning isn’t your thing

Six questions to ask when you’re reviewing your business plan

Today I wanted to cover things that you can do at this stage if you’re not where you want to be in your business – things that you can do to make more of an impact in the last couple of weeks of the Quarter.

Where are you now?

First of all, you need to take stock of where you’re at. You’ll need to review your plan to find out exactly where you are and review your numbers to see what’s really happening in your business. 

You want to see an honest picture of your business featuring the high’s and the lows.


Create an action plan of what and where to focus your efforts. Then prioritise the tasks (you could use a traffic light system for visual effect).  What will make the most impact and/or what is most important? What results are you striving for? These may be the same as your original plan; they may be scaled down or up depending on where you currently are.

Apply the effort

Really think about the actions you can take to help you achieve the goals you’ve prioritised and push yourself.  Is there anything extra you could do that you haven’t tried already? Are you really putting all the effort in? Are you going for it in 6th gear or are you being a Sunday driver, cruising along in 3rd? I guess it depends on how much you want the final outcome? Be honest with yourself, what more could you do?

Delegate other tasks

Is there anything that somebody else can do for you? I’m thinking about general tasks that take your time but don’t bring in the money.

Financials, general admin, social media marketing, data entry, etc – all tasks that could be outsourced to a Virtual Assistant, freeing your time to really focus deeply on getting results.

Success Mindset

Keep a success mindset throughout the whole process. Visualise the success you’d like to see on your business bottom line – keep that success in mind and ensure all your actions are working toward your goal. Plan actions for each day and review those actions at the end of the day to see if you’re still on track.

Stay positive, stay happy, stay focused and make a note of all the gains that take you further toward your goal.

Make yourself accountable

Being accountable is often the difference between getting something done and not. If you normally work alone, perhaps it’s time to make yourself accountable to someone you know or in a social media group. If you have colleagues, share your intention with them. 

Set your intention and then work toward it knowing that you’ll have to share your results.


Always reward your successes, no matter how small. Rewards make you realise that all the work you’re doing is paying off and it keeps the vibe high in your business. Rewards don’t have to be extravagant, but they should make you appreciate the efforts and hard work that you put into your business.

Hopefully, this will form a good action plan for you for the next 2 weeks (we’re currently in March but obviously these actions can be applied at any time, not just the end of a Quarter – you may be launching a new service and need a final push, for example). Remember, you will have to ramp up the work you’re doing to achieve results – it’s time to go all in.

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